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Rationale:  This lesson teaches children about the long vowel correspondence i_e=/I/. Children must understand certain correspondences can appear and sound differently. In order to be able to read, students have to recognize the spellings that map out pronunciations. By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to recognize, spell, and read words containing the correspondence i_e=/I/. They will learn the representation (Kites and Bikes), they will spell and read words containing this correspondence in a Letterbox lesson, and read a decodable book that focuses on said correspondence.

Materials: Graphic image of a girl riding a bike and holding a kite, large cover-up critter along with a small cover-up critter, white board, marker, Elkonin boces (letterboxes); letters for each child: b,d,e,f,h,i,l,m,v,t; list of spelling words to practice: smile, bike, tile, hide, dive, fire; decodable text: Kite Day at Pine Lake. Paper and pencils.


  1. Say: Explain that each letter represents its own sound. Today we are going to cover the long /I/ sound. Write on the white board i_e=/I/. When we see i_e we only say the /I/, the e is silent. So when you say “kite” do you hear the /I/? Everyone say kite with me.

  2. Say: Now we are going to learn some words that have the /I/ sound in them. We can’t learn to spell words with long /I/ until we have mastered listening for it in other words. When you hear this sound act like you are flying a kite. Do you hear it in hike? ride? make? inside? clay? slide?

  3. Say: Now that we know what long /I/ sounds like we are going to use our letter boxes to spell some words. Everyone get out your tiles and lets get started. First we will start with a small word tile, you will need three letterboxes. After the students have all done their letter boxes model the correct way to spell the word. Do this for all the example words you have chosen for the lesson. Move from the easier words to the harder words. End using the word smile, check on students as they are making their letter boxes to make sure they understand the concept.

  4. Say: Now let’s read some of the words we have learned how to spell. (Use whiteboard and large cover-up critter and model how to decode and blend a word using long /I/). Oka first we are going to read the word hike. First we will sound it out then put it together. So, /h/ /I/ /k/ = /hike/. Then allow students to volunteer to use the large cover-up critter and decode words on the board.

  5. Say: Now that we have practiced reading, writing and decoding words with the long /I/ we are going to read a book called This story is about kids playing with kites at the lake. There is one boy who doesn’t have a kite, will the others help him? We’ll have to read to find out.

  6. Say; Kites are so fun in the summer. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Lets all write one sentence about our favorite thing to do in the summer.

Assessment: Have each student write a sentence using at least two words including an i_e= /I/ sequences representing long /I/. They can present these to the class if they would like to do so.

Resources: Rachel Cummins, Let’s go fly a kite.

Kite Day at Pine Lake- Pine Lake

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